DuckDuckGo News Private, Useful, and Optional AI: DuckDuckGo offers free access to popular AI chatbots at and expands AI-assisted answers on its search engine DuckDuckGo’s approach to AI is to provide private, useful, and optional AI features – including chat and search instant answers – to people who want the productivity benefits of AI without the privacy risks.
Opinion Creating Enduring Competition in the Search Market As a company that operates a search engine that directly competes with Google, we have several ideas about how to craft a set of legal and technical interventions that can, in combination, effectively curb the advantages Google has gained through illegal use of their search monopoly.
DuckDuckGo News Meet DuckDuckGo Privacy Pro: a 3-in-1 subscription service with VPN, Personal Information Removal, and Identity Theft Restoration Privacy Pro bundles three new DuckDuckGo protections for one low price. Get a secure non-logging VPN; Personal Information Removal, which helps remove your information from people search sites; and Identity Theft Restoration, which helps to fix credit report mistakes and recover financial losses.
DuckDuckGo News Celebrating 15 Years of DuckDuckGo Founder and CEO, Gabriel Weinberg, celebrates DuckDuckGo's past, present, and future.
DuckDuckGo News DuckDuckGo launches DuckAssist: a new feature that generates quick natural language summaries in response to search queries [UPDATE] DuckDuckGo launches DuckAssist, an AI-enhanced Instant Answer that generates natural language answers to search queries using Wikipedia
DuckDuckGo News More Privacy and Transparency for DuckDuckGo Web Tracking Protections Over the next week, we will expand the third-party tracking scripts we block from loading on websites to include scripts from Microsoft.
DuckDuckGo Q&A Is DuckDuckGo a Good Search Engine? DuckDuckGo Search gives you truly private search results without tradeoffs in result quality. We have everything you’ve come to expect in your online search experience, and a few bonus features that make searching the Internet not only private, but also faster and a bit more fun.
DuckDuckGo Q&A How Anonymous Is DuckDuckGo? Each time you search on DuckDuckGo, you have a blank search history, as if you’ve never been there before.
DuckDuckGo Q&A What Does Google Know About Me? Did you know that Google keeps your search history forever? That alone is scary, but it’s just a small part of the data they try to collect on people.
DuckDuckGo Q&A How does Google track me even when I'm not using it? Google can (and does) track your activity across many non-Google websites and apps. That may be surprising, even if you already know that when you use Google products like Google Search, Chrome, and
DuckDuckGo Q&A Why Should I Use DuckDuckGo Instead of Google? If you ever get asked why you should use DuckDuckGo instead of Google, here's a definitive answer by our Founder & CEO, Gabriel Weinberg.
DuckDuckGo Q&A Is it true that my ISP is spying on my web browsing? Does DuckDuckGo fix that? Yes, your ISP (Internet Service Provider) is likely spying on your web browsing, and yes, DuckDuckGo can help you significantly cut down on their ability to spy on you. Your ISP is the
DuckDuckGo Q&A What Is the Business Model for DuckDuckGo? We’re proud to be profitable without making your personal information the product. Here's how we make it work (and how other companies can, too).
DuckDuckGo News DuckDuckGo in 2021: Building the Privacy Super App We spent 2021 strengthening our all-in-one privacy solution and helping people take back their privacy with one easy download.
DuckDuckGo Q&A How do hidden web trackers put my privacy at risk? Hidden trackers can follow you around the Internet and watch much of what you do online, but there are simple tools you can use to help block them. Before I get into how
Opinion Data Privacy Day 2018: Live Free of Facebook and Google Tracking If you're going to make real progress in your data privacy this year, you must do something about your Google and Facebook use. Here's why and how.
DuckDuckGo News Protecting Your Personal Data Has Never Been This Easy We're excited to launch a new browser extension and mobile app, extending DuckDuckGo's protection beyond the search box to wherever the Internet takes you.
Privacy Research Privacy is Mainstream: 24% of Us Now Take Significant Actions to Protect Our Privacy 24% of the population currently cares deeply enough about their online privacy to take significant actions to try to protect it.
DuckDuckGo News 10 Billion Private Searches & Counting! At DuckDuckGo, our vision is to raise the standard of trust online, and in service of that vision, our mission is to be the world’s most trusted search engine. We are proud
DuckDuckGo Q&A Is there a simple privacy law that actually makes sense? Yes! Despite all the protestations you hear from Big Tech, there is a simple privacy law that makes sense without destroying the tech industry. Let me explain, but first, for context if you’
DuckDuckGo Q&A What are the biggest tracker networks and what can I do about them? When you visit a website, you are of course observable by the site itself, but you are also observable by third-party trackers that the site embeds in its code. You might be surprised
Opinion What if We All Just Sold Non-Creepy Advertising? The big ad-tech companies know how to sell ads without damaging privacy, but they choose not to.
DuckDuckGo Q&A How Does the DuckDuckGo App/Extension Protect My Privacy? Our app & extensions include built-in tracker blocking, smarter encryption, Privacy Grade website ratings, and, of course, private search – all in one.
DuckDuckGo Q&A How Does DuckDuckGo Know Where I Am? Searching the web with DuckDuckGo is completely anonymous, yet we're also able to serve you localized results, such as the weather. Here's how we do it.
DuckDuckGo Q&A How Many People Use DuckDuckGo? You may find it surprising to learn that we don’t know how many people use DuckDuckGo!